Tina Campt

Tina Campt is Associate Professor Women's Studies at Barnard University.

Campt was educated at Vassar College, gaining a BA in 1986. She then attended Cornell University in 1990 gaining her MA in 1990 and her PhD in 1996.

Campt has gained recognition for her approach to the history of Afro-Germans which uses a postcolonial, feminist, and diasporic outlook which combines the methodology of an oral historian with that of an ethnographer.[1] In her book Other Germans she uses the oral testimonies of two black Germans, Hans Hauck and Fasia Jansen.[2] This is regarded as a significant contribution to German Studies and Holocaust scholarship.[3]



  1. ^ Children of World War II by Kjersti Ericsson and Eva Simonsen, Berg 2005
  2. ^ Review article by Kader Konuk in German Politics and Society, Vol. 22, 2004
  3. ^ Review: Tina Campt. Other Germans: Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender, and Memory in the Third Reich by Kyle Frackman, University of Massachusetts, USA